The Network for Community Development (NCD) is seeking funding to expand our impactful work across four key areas: art and culture, orphans and vulnerable children’s livelihoods, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and social enterprises.
Through our art and culture initiatives, we empower marginalized communities to preserve and share their rich heritage, providing platforms for artistic expression that drive social cohesion. Our programs supporting orphans and vulnerable children focus on skills training, educational access, and livelihood development – equipping the next generation to break cycles of poverty.
To address the urgent threat of climate change, NCD implements community-led adaptation and mitigation projects, from sustainable agriculture techniques to renewable energy access. We also incubate social enterprises that tackle environmental and social challenges, creating jobs and sustainable economic opportunities.
Your contribution will allow NCD to scale these transformative programs, delivering lasting, community-driven change. We invite you to partner with us and invest in a more vibrant, resilient, and equitable future for all. Together, we can create lasting impact.
Our organization truly believes that by working together, we can save more lives than ever before.
581, Medium Density
Chipinge, Manicaland
32 Lawson Avenue,
Milton Park
Copyright 2024 By NCD